
石坚青年学术论坛第5期Artificial Intelligence Studies in Cartography: A Review and Synthesis of Methods, Applications, and Ethics

文章来源:  |  发布时间:2024-05-20  |  【打印】 【关闭




    康雨豪,美国南卡罗莱纳大学地理系助理教授、博士生导师,地理空间智能感知实验室(GISense Lab)主任。他将在2024年秋季加盟美国得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校(UT-Austin)。曾任MIT感知城市实验室博士后研究员,谷歌X副研究员,获美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校博士学位、武汉大学学士学位。他的研究兴趣为以人为中心的地理空间数据科学和地理人工智能,在IJGISCaGISCEUSLUPPNAS等国际期刊共发表地理信息科学相关学术论文40余篇,担任《计算城市科学》 (Computational Urban Science)副主编。曾获奥地利国家科学院(OAW)优秀青年学者、地图学与地理信息社区(CaGIS)新星奖、国际制图学会(ICA)优秀青年学者、CPGIS卓越教育奖等。他热衷于服务全球GIScience社区,创立了全球非营利教育项目GISphere


  报告摘要: The past decade has witnessed the rapid development of geospatial artificial intelligence (GeoAI) primarily due to the ground-breaking achievements in deep learning and machine learning. In this presentation, Dr. Kang will review a few GeoAI studies that successfully support cartographic design decisions, either accelerate previously complex cartographic design tasks or enable cartographic creativity in new ways. Despite the promise of GeoAI, researchers have growing concerns about the ethical issues of GeoAI for cartography. Dr. Kang will raise five potential ethical challenges including  commodification, responsibility, privacy, bias, and (together) transparency, explainability, and provenance. After that, Dr. Kang will discuss four potential research directions for future cartographic research with GeoAI: GeoAI-enabled active cartographic symbolism, human-in-the-loop, GeoAI-based mapping-as-a-service, and generative GeoAI for cartography. Finally, he will share his multifaceted experiences in GISphere that aim to promote global GIScience education.


主持人:张岸 副研究员

时  间2024522日(星期三) 15:00-17:00

地  点:中国科学院地理资源所A430会议室
