
石坚论坛第70讲:The Current Status of Global Forest Carbon Sink and its Future Sustainability

文章来源:  |  发布时间:2024-09-24  |  【打印】 【关闭


  潘愉德(Yude PAN)博士,美国农业部林务局资深研究员,哈佛大学森林学院资深研究员,美国生态学会会士。她曾获得美国农业部林务局局长杰出科学奖、美国农业部林务局北方研究站主任杰出科学家奖、哈佛大学哈佛森林大学查理.布拉德研究员称号等荣誉。她以第一作者在Nature Science杂志上发表了5篇科学论文,作为共同作者在 ScienceNature 和 PNAS 上发表的 10 余篇论文,单篇第一作者论文被引用8000多次;自2019年以来,持续5年被列入斯坦福大学世界科学家排序T0P 2%的科学家名单。她是第一位被选为美国生态学会理事会领导层的亚洲女科学家,曾担任美国政府碳循环科学计划领导小组成员,2023年美国驻北京大使馆的科学研究员。目前担任 Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences副主编,Ecological ApplicationsEcosphere and Ecological Monographs等多个国际期刊编委。



  For achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, one of the most challenging elements is the need of “nature solutions” for large-scale “negative emissions” to compensate for the inability to eliminate all emissions from fossil fuels. As forests are the dominant component of the land carbon sink, we need to know how much atmospheric carbon the world’s forests have been sequestering, where it is stored, and whether recent trends are consistent with the desired strengthening of Earth’s land sink. In the recent published study (Pan et al., 2024, Nature 631, 563–569), an international forest carbon study group constructed a global record of forest inventory measurements from 1990 through 2019 based on milliohms of forest inventory plots across the world, and estimated global forest carbon stocks and sinks, and their changes over the last three decades for countries, regions and globe. The estimates of the forest land carbon sinks are largely independent of other modeling-based approaches and provide ground data-based benchmarks for complementing other top-down studies. Based on the observed changes in global forest carbon sinks, the study also made some suggestions for sustaining and strengthening valuable forest carbon sinks and other ecosystem services in the future via forest management approaches and relevant environmental policies.


主持人:岳天祥 研究员

 间:2024925日(星期三) 下午 14:30


