文章来源: | 发布时间:2016-10-10 | 【打印】 【关闭】
1. 中科院先导性专项项目专题(2018-2023)资源环境承载力分类评价与综合评价系统,专题负责人
2. 国家重点研发项目子课题(2018-2022)场地污染敏感受体与场地污染机制分析,子课题负责人
3. 国家重点研发项目子课题(2017-2020)生态系统生态维持功能的区域监测关键技术研发,负责人
4. 中科院重点部署项目子课题(2017-2019)北极地缘环境野外观测,子课题负责人
5. 国家自然科学基金青年项目(2014-2016)土地利用结构及其变化与流动人口关系实证研究,主持
1.Hongyan Cai*, Xinliang Xu*. Impacts of Built-Up Area Expansion in 2D and 3D on Regional Surface Temperature. Sustainability, 2017, 9:1862. doi:10.3390/su9101862.
2.Linlin Xiao, Xiaohuan Yang, Hongyan Cai*. The Indirect Roles of Roads in Soil Erosion Evolution in Jiangxi Province, China: A Large Scale Perspective. Sustainability, 2017, 9(1): 129.
3.Xinliang Xu, Liang Wang, Hongyan Cai*, Luyao Wang, Luo Liu, Hongzhi Wang. The influences of spatiotemporal change of cultivated land on food crop production potential in China. Food Security, 2017, 1-11.
4.Xinliang Xu, Hongyan Cai*, Zhi Qiao, Liang Wang, Cui Jin, Yaning Ge, Luyao Wang, Fengjiao Xu. Impacts of park landscape structure on thermal environment using QuickBird and Landsat images. Chinese Geographical Science, 2017, 27(5), 818-826.
5.Hongyan Cai, Xiaohuan Yang, Xinliang Xu. Human- induced grassland degradation/ restoration in the central Tibetan Plateau: the effects of ecological protection and restoration projects. Ecological Engineering, 2015, 83, 112-119.
6.Hongyan Cai, Xiaohuan Yang, Linlin Xiao, Kejing Wang. Is forest restoration in the Southwest China Karst promoted mainly by climate change or human-induced factors? Remote Sensing, 2014, 6, 9895-9910.
7.Hongyan Cai, Xiaohuan Yang, Xinliang Xu. Spatiotemporal patterns of urban encroachment on cropland and its impacts on potential agricultural productivity in China. Remote Sensing, 2013, 5, 6443- 6460.
8.Honyan Cai, Shuwen Zhang, Xiaohuan Yang. Forest dynamics and their phenological response to climate warming in the Khingan Mountains, Northeastern China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2012, 9, 3943-3953.
9.Hongyan Cai, Shuwen Zhang, Kun Bu, Jiuchun Yang, Liping Chang. Integrating geographical data and phenological characteristics derived from MODIS data for improving land cover mapping. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2011, 21(4): 705-718.
10.Linlin Xiao, Xiaohuan Yang, Sixu Chen, Hongyan Cai. An assessment of erosivity distribution and its influence on the effectiveness of land use conversion for reducing soil erosion in Jiangxi, China. Catena, 2015, 125, 50-60.
11.Nan Dong, Xiaohuan Yang , Hongyan Cai, Fengjiao Xu. Research on Grid Size Suitability of Gridded Population Distribution in Urban Area: A Case Study in Urban Area of Xuanzhou District, China. PlOS ONE, 2017, 12(1): e0170830.
12.Meiyan Zhao, Hongyan Cai, Zhi Qiao, Xinliang Xu. Influence of urban expansion on the urban heat island effect in Shanghai. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2016, 30(12): 2421-2441.
13.王珂靖, 蔡红艳*, 杨小唤. 多元统计回归及地理加权回归方法在多尺度人口空间化研究中的应用. 地理科学进展, 2016, 35(12): 1494 ~ 1505.
14.王珂靖, 蔡红艳*, 杨小唤, 张远. 基于城镇居民用地再分类的人口数据空间化方法研究——以长江中游4省为例. 遥感技术与应用, 2015, 30(5): 987 ~ 995.
15.蔡红艳, 杨小唤*, 张树文. 植物物候对城市热岛响应的研究进展. 生态学杂志, 2014, 33(1): 221 ~ 228.
联系方式:caihy@igsnrr.ac.cn; 010-64889070