文章来源: | 发布时间:2019-01-29 | 【打印】 【关闭】
2013.11-2015.11 美国马里兰大学,联合培养博士生
2012.09-2016.06 北京师范大学,获地图学与地理信息系统专业理学博士学位
2007.09-2010.06 中国科学院大学,获地图学与地理信息系统专业理学硕士学位
2003.09-2007.06 长安大学,获资源环境与城乡规划管理专业理学学士学位
2016.07-2018.07 清华大学水利系,博士后
2010.07-2012.08 ESRI技术支持工程师
1. 中国博士后基金面上项目“气候变化背景下青藏高原积雪的变化及影响研究”(2016M600080,2017.01-2018.06);
2. 农业农村部耕地利用遥感重点实验室基金:“基于遥感大数据的一带一路大宗粮食作物预警研究”(2019LCLU001, 2019.09-2020.09)
1. 国家“863”计划重点项目“全球陆表特征参量产品生成与应用研究”(2013AA122800,2012.09-2016.06);
2. 国家重点研发专项“全球基本气候变量产品生成及气候变化关键过程和要素监测”(SQ2016YFJC0050123,2017.01-2021.12)。
3. 国家科技基础性项目“蒙古高原(跨界)生物多样性综合考察”(SQ2019FY010072,2019.12-2023.12)
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[2] 梁顺林,白瑞,陈晓娜等 (2020). 2019年中国陆表定量遥感发展综述[J]. 遥感学报,24(6): 609-662.
[3] Chen Xiaona, Long Di, Liang Shunlin, et al. (2018). Developing a composite daily snow cover extent record over the Tibetan Plateau from 1981 to 2016 using multisource data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 215, 284-299.
[4] Chen Xiaona, Long Di, Hong Yang, et al. (2018). Climatology of snow phenology over the Tibetan plateau for the period 2001–2014 using multisource data. International Journal of Climatology. 38(6), 2718-2729.
[5] He Lian, Hong Yang, Wu X., Ye N, Walker J P, & Chen Xiaona. (2018). Investigation of SMAP Active-Passive Downscaling Algorithms Using Combined Sentinel-1 SAR and SMAP Radiometer Data. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 1-13.
[6] Chen Xiaona, Liang Shunlin, & Cao Yunfeng. (2017). Sensitivity of Summer Drying to Spring Snow-Albedo Feedback throughout the Northern Hemisphere from Satellite Observations. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 14, 2345 - 2349.
[7] Chen Xiaona, Long Di, Hong Yang, et al. (2017). Observed radiative cooling over the Tibetan Plateau for the past three decades driven by snow-cover-induced surface albedo anomaly. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 122, 6170–6185.
[8] Cao Yunfeng, Liang Shunlin, Chen Xiaona, et al. (2017). Enhanced wintertime greenhouse effect reinforcing Arctic amplification and initial sea-ice melting. Scientific Reports, 7, 8462.
[9] Chen Xiaona, Liang Shunlin, & Cao Yunfeng. (2016). Satellite observed changes in the Northern Hemisphere snow cover phenology and the associated radiative forcing and feedback between 1982 and 2013. Environmental Research Letters, 11, 084002.
[10] Chen Xiaona, Liang Shunlin., Cao Yunfeng, et al. (2016). Distribution, attribution, and radiative forcing of snow cover changes over China from 1982 to 2013. Climatic Change, 137, 363-377.
[11] Chen Xiaona, Liang Shunlin, Cao Yunfeng, et al. (2015). Observed contrast changes in snow cover phenology in northern middle and high latitudes from 2001-2014. Scientific Reports, 5, 16820.
[12] Cao Yunfeng, Liang Shunlin, He Tao, & Chen Xiaona. (2016). Evaluation of Four Reanalysis Surface Albedo Data Sets in Arctic Using a Satellite Product. IEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Lett., 13, 384 - 388
[13] Cao Yunfeng, Liang Shunlin, Chen Xiaona, et al. (2015). Assessment of Sea Ice Albedo Radiative Forcing and Feedback over the Northern Hemisphere from 1982 to 2009 Using Satellite and Reanalysis Data. Journal of Climate, 28, 1248-1259.
[14] He Tao, Liang Shunlin, Wang Dongdong, Chen Xiaona, et al. (2015). Land Surface Albedo Estimation from Chinese HJ Satellite Data Based on the Direct Estimation Approach. Remote Sens., 7, 5495-5510
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[16] 陈晓娜, 包安明, 张红利, 柳梅英 (2010). 基于混合像元分解的 MODIS 积雪面积信息提取及其精度评价—以天山中段为例 [J]. 资源科学. 2010, 32 (9):1761-1768.
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[2] 干旱区内陆河流域水文模型 [M]. 主编: 陈曦等. 2012. 北京:中国环境科学出版社
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