
[2012-10-31]石坚论坛第16讲 研究生学习方法及论文写作

报告题目:研究生学习方法及论文写作 报 告 人:李志林 “千人计划”特聘教授

[2012-10-17]石坚论坛第15讲 Synthesis in Geographical Problem-Solving: The Journey to Ithaca

报告题目:Synthesis in Geographical Problem-Solving: The Journey to Ithaca 报 告 人:Prof. George Christakos

[2012-10-12]石坚论坛第14讲 Community- and citizen- remote sensing: Opportunity, Challenges and Case studies

报告题目:Community- and citizen- remote sensing: Opportunity, Challenges and Case studies 报 告 人:肖向明 教授

[2012-07-03]石坚论坛第13讲 Measuring and Optimizing Accessibility to Services in GIS

报告题目:Measuring and Optimizing Accessibility to Services in GIS 报 告 人:王法辉 路易斯安那州立大学(Louisiana State University)地理与人类学系教授

[2012-06-26]石坚论坛 第12讲 Revisiting forest impact on atmospheric water vapor transport and precipitation: ...

报告题目:Revisiting forest impact on atmospheric water vapor transport and precipitation: Implication