
[2017-09-15]石坚论坛第41讲 Spatial Precision and Statistical Precision: Can We Have the Best of Both Worlds?

报告题目: Spatial Precision and Statistical Precision : Can We Have the Best of Both Worlds ?这样的空间精度在帮助我们观察和跟踪空间精确的变化,例如疾病风险、犯罪风险和环境风险方面具有重大的益处。? ? Robert Haining教授,剑桥大学地理系教授。Robert...

[2017-08-22]石坚论坛第40讲 Multiscale atmospheric water cycles explain precipitation patterns in the world's ...

With the global warming , many regions , especially in some semiarid areas , are experiencing a precipitation paradox where by water-rich areas get richer , while water-poor areas get poorer .To understand the mechanism behind the paradox , by usi...


报告人简介: Phil Jones is the Director of the CRU and Professor in the School of Environmental Sciences at the University of East Anglia , UK . He has over 400 research papers with over 73597citations .The top 0.5% of highly-cited researchers by ...

[2016-08-31]石坚论坛第38讲 Little Drones' Big Challenges for GIScience and Cartography

报告人简介:隋殿志( Daniel Sui )博士是美国俄亥俄州立大学艺术与科学杰出教授, 2011至2015任地理系主任,现任国际地理学会地理信息科学委员会主任及美国国家科学基金社会与经济学部主任。2009至2012年曾任俄亥俄州立大学城市与区域分析中心主任, 2012年至2014...

[2016-08-11]石坚论坛第37讲 Cartography, GIS, GIScience, and Geography: A Long View

Professor Ronald F . Abler , former president of the International Geographical Union ( IGU ) ( 2008 –.2002 ) , contributed to the geographical study of communication while fostering collaborative geographical research through communication among...