

文章来源:  |  发布时间:2009-10-28  |  【打印】 【关闭


陆锋研究组发表的关于中国民航网络空间格局与竞争的SSCI论文China’s Airline Consolidation and Its Effects on Domestic Airline Networks and Competition在学术期刊Journal of Transport Geography上发表。

论文题目: China’s Airline Consolidation and Its Effects on Domestic Airline Networks and Competition

英文论文题目: China’s Airline Consolidation and Its Effects on Domestic Airline Networks and Competition

英文第一作者: Shih-Lung Shaw

发表年度: 2009

英文摘要: Air transportation in China has experienced tremendous growth and major reforms in the past three decades. While there is a large literature on airline liberalization, publications about China are limited. As China transforms from a centrally planned economy to a market economy, how closely has China followed the practice of liberalizing the airline industry seen in other countries around the world? This paper offers a review of air transportation development in China and compares China’s approach with other countries. In particular, this study examines the impact of the government-led airline consolidation of 2002 upon domestic network structure and competition.

刊物名称: Journal of Transport Geography

英文刊物名称: Journal of Transport Geography

论文类别: SSCI

参与作者: 陆锋, 陈杰, 周成虎

英文参与作者: Feng Lu, Jie Chen, Chenghu Zhou
