

文章来源:  |  发布时间:2009-11-24  |  【打印】 【关闭


胡茂桂、王劲峰、葛咏一起撰写的SCI文章:Super-Resolution Reconstruction of Remote Sensing Images Using Multifractal Analysis在Sensors上发表。该文引用格式:Hu Mao-Gui, Wang Jin-Feng, Ge Yong. 2009. Super-resolution reconstruction of remote sensing images using multifractal analysis. Sensors 9(11): 8669-8683.

论文题目: Super-Resolution Reconstruction of Remote Sensing Images Using Multifractal Analysis

英文论文题目: Super-Resolution Reconstruction of Remote Sensing Images Using Multifractal Analysis

第一作者: 胡茂桂

英文第一作者: Mao-Gui Hu

发表年度: 2009

摘要: Satellite remote sensing (RS) is an important contributor to Earth observation, providing various kinds of imagery every day, but low spatial resolution remains a critical bottleneck in a lot of applications, restricting higher spatial resolution analysis (e.g., intraurban). In this study, a multifractal-based super-resolution reconstruction method is proposed to alleviate this problem. The multifractal characteristic is common in Nature. The self-similarity or self-affinity presented in the image is useful to estimate details at larger and smaller scales than the original. We first look for the presence of multifractal characteristics in the images. Then we estimate parameters of the information transfer function and noise of the low resolution image. Finally, a noise-free, spatial resolutionenhanced image is generated by a fractal coding-based denoising and downscaling method. The empirical case shows that the reconstructed super-resolution image performs well in detail enhancement. This method is not only useful for remote sensing in investigating Earth, but also for other images with multifractal characteristics.

刊物名称: Sensors

英文刊物名称: Sensors

论文类别: SCI

英文论文类别: SCI

参与作者: 王劲峰、葛咏

英文参与作者: Jin-Feng Wang and Yong Ge
