

文章来源:  |  发布时间:2010-10-21  |  【打印】 【关闭

1Baozhang Chen, Quansheng Ge, Dongjie Fu, Guirui Yu,   Xiaomin Sun, Shaoqiang Wang, Huimin Wang (2010), A data-model fusion approach for upscaling gross ecosystem productivity to the landscape scale based on remote sensing and flux footprint modeling. Biogeosciences, 7, 2943-2958. 影响因子 IF = 3.246
2Baozhang Chen, Nicholas C. Coops, T. Andy Black, Rachhpal S. Jassal, Jing M. Chen, Mark Johnson (2010), Modeling to discern nitrogen fertilization impacts on carbon sequestration in a Pacific Northwest Douglas-fir forest in the first-post fertilization year. Global Change Biology, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2010.02298.x. 影响因子 IF = 5.561
3. Baozhang Chen, Nicholas C. Coops,Dongjie Fu, Hank A. Margolis, Brian D. Amiro, Alan G. Barr, T. Andrew Black, M. Altaf Arain, Charles P.-A. Bourque, Lawrence B. Flanagan, Peter M. Lafleur, J. Harry McCaughey, and Steven C. Wofsy (2010), Assessing eddy-covariance flux tower location bias across the Fluxnet-Canada Research Network based on remote sensing and footprint modeling. Agriculture and Forest Meteorology, 150, 10.1016/j.agrformet.2010.09.005.  影响因子 IF = 3.197
