

文章来源:  |  发布时间:2014-02-13  |  【打印】 【关闭


 1. Baozhang Chen(陈报章), Guang Xu(许光), Nicholas C. Coops, Philippe Ciais, John L. Innes, Guangyu Wang, Ranga B. Myneni, Tongli Wang, Judi Krzyzanowski, Qinglin Li, Lin Cao, Ying Liu (2014),  Changes in vegetation photosynthetic activity trends across theAsia–Pacific region over the last three decades, Remote Sensing of Environment, 144, 28–41. 



2. Baozhang Chen(陈报章), Huifang Zhang(张慧芳), Nicholas C. Coops, Dongjie Fu, Douglas E. J. Worthy, Guang Xu, T. Andy Black (2013),Assessing scalar concentration footprint climatology and land surface impacts on tall-tower CO2 concentration measurements in the boreal forest of central Saskatchewan, Canada, Theor Appl Climatol., DOI 10.1007/s00704-013-1038-2.  



3. Mingliang Che(车明亮), Baozhang Chen(陈报章,*Corresponding author), John L. Innes, Guangyu Wang, Xianming Dou,Tianmo Zhou, Huifang Zhang, Jianwu Yan, Guang Xu, Hongwei Zhao (2014), State Spatial and temporal variations in the end date of the vegetationgrowing season throughout the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau from 1982 to 2011, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 189– 190, 81– 90. 



4. Dongjie Fu(付东杰), Baozhang Chen (陈报章,*Corresponding author), Huifang Zhang, Juan Wang, T. Andy Black, Brian Amiro, Gil Bohrer, Paul Bolstad, Richard Coulter, Faiz Rahmani, Allison Dunn, McCaughey Harry, Tilden Meyers, Shashi Verma (2014), Estimating landscape net ecosystem exchange at high spatial–temporal resolution based on Landsat data, an improved upscaling model framework, and eddy covariance flux measurements, Remote Sensing of Environment, 141, 90–104. 



5. Chen Jing(陈婧), Baozhang Chen (陈报章,*Corresponding author), T. A. Black, J. L. Innes, G. Wang, G. Kiely, T. Hirano, and G. Wohlfahrt (2013), Comparison of terrestrial evapotranspiration estimates using the mass transfer and Penman-Monteith equations in land surface models, J. Geophys. Res. Biogeosci., 118, 1715–1731, doi:10.1002/2013JG002446. 



6. Jianwu Yan(严建武), Baozhang Chen (陈报章,*Corresponding author), Min Feng(冯敏), Shifeng Fang(房世峰), Guang Xu(许光), Huifang Zhang(张慧芳), Dongjie Fu(付东杰), Huimin Wang(王辉民), Guirui Yu (于贵瑞) and Xiaomin Sun(孙晓敏) (2013) Research on land surface thermal-hydrologic exchange in Southern China under future climate and land cover scenarios, Advances in Meteorology, Volume 2013, Article ID 969145, 12 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/969145 



7. Dongjie Fu(付东杰), Baozhang Chen (陈报章,*Corresponding author), Juan Wang, Xiaolin Zhu and Thomas Hilker (2013), An Improved Image Fusion Approach Based on Enhanced Spatial and Temporal the Adaptive Reflectance Fusion Model, Remote Sens., 5, 6346-6360; doi:10.3390/rs5126346.  





  1. 1-RSE2014(Chenb, AP).pdf
  2. 2-TAM2013(C fp).pdf
  3. 3-AFM2014(Che first, Tibetan EOG).pdf
  4. 4-RSE2014(Fu first, Landcape NEE NA).pdf
  5. 5-jgr2013(ET, chenj, first).pdf
  6. 6-AM2013(Yan and Chen).pdf
  7. 7-RS2013(Fu first).pdf
