
石坚论坛第5讲(1) Why Topology and Scaling Matter in Geospatial Analysis

文章来源:  |  发布时间:2011-09-13  |  【打印】 【关闭


报告题目:Why Topology and Scaling Matter in Geospatial Analysis

报 告 人:Professor Bin Jiang


Bin Jiang is professor in geographic information science, geographic information systems or geoinformatics at the University of Gävle, Sweden. He undertakes research on spatial analysis and modelling, and visualization. Geospatial analysis is much dominated by two stubborn mindsets: one is geometric thinking in terms of size, shape, and position, and another is a Gaussian way of thinking when comes to spatial statistics for characterizing spatial properties such as spatial dependence and spatial heterogeneity. In contrast to these two mindsets, I believe that topology and scaling matter more in geospatial analysis for uncovering underlying structures and patterns. Topology refers to topological relationships of numerous geographic units, while scaling is often characterized by a power law distribution or a heavy tailed distribution in general. In this talk, I will discuss something of paradigm shift from geometric to topological and from the Gaussian mindset to something which is “more normal than normal” – the so called scaling property. I will draw upon some of our recent studies on illustrating underlying structure of urban street networks, or scaling of geographic space in general, to show the power of the new mindsets in geospatial analysis.

主 持 人:陆锋研究员


地    点:中科院地理资源所2321会议室
