
石坚论坛 第11讲 Ecoinformatics and the Ecology of Global Change

文章来源:  |  发布时间:2012-05-29  |  【打印】 【关闭


报告题目:Ecoinformatics and the Ecology of Global Change


报 告 人:Professor Jens-Christian Svenning, PhD.

(Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University, Denmark)



报告人简介:Svenning教授从事生态信息学和生物多样性研究,自1999年以来已经发表100多篇期刊论文,其中多篇发表在Science上,此外发表的期刊还包括PNAS、Nature Climate Change、Ecology Letters、Quaternary Science Reviews、Global Ecology and Biogeography、Journal of Biogeography等。现为丹麦科学院院士,国际生物地理学协会终身会员,2011年获得全球生物多样性信息机构(GBIF)颁发的第10 届Ebbe Nielsen 奖。


报告摘要:Earth’s ecosystems sustain not just biodiversity, but also human society. At the same time, the increasing human population and its resource use are causing planetary-scale changes in the Earth system via land transformation, direct biodiversity losses and introductions, effects on biogeochemistry, and climate change (global change). This global change has feedback effects on human society via impacts on ecosystem services. It is therefore a key challenge for modern science to provide a predictive understanding of global change and its impacts on Earth’s ecology. Such complex large-scale problems cannot be adequately addressed solely by classical experimental approaches. Instead creative ecoinformatics approaches are needed, integrating ecology, statistics, mathematics, and informatics. Ecoinformatics refers to the computing approach to ecology, relying on the rapid developments in information technology and associated technologies, notably in remote sensing, resulting in massive increases in computing power and data availability. Examples are given on how ecoinformatics are providing new insights into the ecology of global change, by mapping global change dynamics, providing insights into drivers of current global ecology and global change dynamics, impacts of past global change, and the potential impacts of future global change as well as possibilities for mitigation and adaptation.



地    点:中科院地理资源所2321会议室
