
石坚论坛第13讲 Measuring and Optimizing Accessibility to Services in GIS

文章来源:  |  发布时间:2012-07-03  |  【打印】 【关闭


报告题目:Measuring and Optimizing Accessibility to Services in GIS



报   告 人:王法辉 教授


王法辉,路易斯安那州立大学(Louisiana State University)地理与人类学系教授、中国文化与商业中心主任,Fred B. Kniffen特聘教授。研究领域包括人文(城市、交通、经济、文化)地理、城市与区域规划、公共政策(犯罪、健康卫生);研究方法包括计量方法和GIS。曾任国际华人地理信息科学协会(CPGIS)主席、美国地理学会(AAG)空间分析与模型专业委员会(SAM)副主席、美国国家健康研究院(NIH)评审专家组委员、美国国家司法研究所(NIJ)评审专家组委员。为地理学权威杂志AAG Annals、International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research、Annals of GIS、Chinese Geographical Science的编委。主编了《GIS and Crime Analysis(GIS和犯罪研究)》,专著《Quantitative Methods and Applications in GIS(基于GIS的计量方法与应用)》。



    The Cancer Centers designated by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) form the “backbone” of the cancer care system in the United States. Awarded via a grant using a peer-review process, a NCI-designated Center (NCI center) receives substantial financial support from NCI grants and is re-evaluated every 3 to 5 years. This talk evaluates geographic and racial disparities in spatial accessibility to the NCI centers and examines various planning scenarios to minimize the inequalities in accessibility. Two scenario of optimization are considered in this research for the objective of minimizing inequality of spatial accessibility. One is to adjust the capacities of NCI centers, and the other is to designate new centers from the existing academic medical centers (AMCs). Both scenarios are assessed in addressing geographic and racial disparities explicitly. Quadratic programming and integer programming are used to solve different optimization problems. Results from the study may inform the public policy decision making process in planning of the NCI centers towards equal accessibility.


主  持 人:陆  锋 研究员




地        点:中科院地理资源所2209会议室

