
石坚论坛第32讲 Regions, technological interdependence and growth

文章来源:  |  发布时间:2015-06-19  |  【打印】 【关闭


报告题目:Regions, technological interdependence and growth 

报 告 人: Professor Manfred M. Fischer, Vienna University of Economics and Business 

Abstract:We considers the standard neoclassical growth model in a Mankiw-Romer-Weil world with spatial externalities across regions. The reduced form of this theoretical model and its associated empirical model lead to a spatial Durbin model, and this model provides very rich own- and cross-partial derivatives that quantify the magnitude of direct and indirect (spillover or externalities) effects that arise from changes in region’s characteristics at the outset in the theoretical model. Using the scalar summary impact measures introduced by LeSage and Pace (2009) we can quantify and summarize the complicated set of non-linear impacts that fall on all regions as a result of changes in the physical and human capital in any region. We can decompose these impacts into direct and indirect (or externality) effects. The results reveal that technological interdependence among regions works through physical capital externalities crossing regional borders. 

报告人简介:Manfred M. Fischer is Professor of Economic Geography & GIScience at the Vienna University of Economics and Business, and also an Adjunct Professor in LREIS. Manfred Fischer received his MSc and PhD degrees in Geography and Mathematics from the University of Erlangen, and his habilitation degree from the University of Vienna. He is one of the founding editors of the Journal of Geographical Systems, and the book series Advances in Spatial Science, and co-editor of the Springer Handbook of Regional Science. For nearly four decades Professor Fischer has published 40 books, and about 250 refereed journal articles and book chapters. In recognition of his achievements he was elected as Fellow of the International Academy of Sciences for Europe and Asia (1995), the Austrian Academy of Sciences (1996), the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (1999), and the Regional Science Association International (2006). In 2013, he also received the 2012 European Investment Bank Prize of the European Regional Science Association. 

主持人:王劲峰 研究员 

时  间:2015年6月22日(星期一)16:00-18:00 

地  点:中科院地理资源所2209会议室 



