石坚论坛第34讲 Scale and scaling uncertainties in Ecology: Implications to carbon monitoring system
文章来源: | 发布时间:2015-12-18 | 【打印】 【关闭】
报告题目:Scale and scaling uncertainties in Ecology: Implications to carbon monitoring system
报告人:李百炼(B. Larry Li)教授
报告摘要:Due to internal nonlinearities, as well as both natural and anthropogenic external forcings, the ecological systems are operated over various space, time, and “organism” scales. Scale, scaling and uncertainty in the ecosystems, both in ecological data and in ecological models, have becoming critical issue. Here I will discuss what we have learn from scale and scaling uncertainty studies in ecology, and relevant challenges in carbon monitoring systems. Studying scale and scaling uncertainties are key to both design-based and model-based approaches to sampling, estimation and inference of carbon.
李百炼(B. Larry Li), 美国加利福尼亚大学河滨分校教授,国际生态与可持续发展研究中心主任,国际干旱区生态学研究中心联合主任,中美 (政府级)农业生态与可持续发展联合研究中心共同主任,《Ecological Complexity》(Elsevier)创刊主编,《Journal of Arid Land》(Springer)杂志联合创刊主编,还担任其他7 家国际生态与环境科学期刊和百科全书的编委或常务编委,副主编。李百炼教授2005 年当选为俄罗斯科学院外籍院士,2006 年当选为美国科学促进会院士 (AAAS Fellow), 2007世界生态高峰会议(EcoSummit)国际科学委员会主席, 2012 年世界生态高峰会议联合主席,现任世界生态高峰理事会主席,2015获普利高津金奖 (Prigogine Gold Medal)。在包括Nature、Science、PNAS 等学术刊物发表论文200 余篇。
主持人:岳天祥 研究员
时 间:2015年12月22日(周二 )上午10:00
地 点:中科院地理所2321会议室