石坚论坛第60讲: Analysis of TIR directional effects for preparing the future satellite mission TRISHNA
文章来源:光明日报 | 发布时间:2019-10-15 | 【打印】 【关闭】
报 告 人:Jean-Louis Roujean 研究员 法国科学院
报告摘要:TRISHNA is a future satellite mission in the TIR domain with scientific objectives including: the water stress of the ecosystems, the monitoring of coastal areas, the urban heat island, and further the solid Earth, the cryosphere and the atmosphere. TRISHNA will have a 3-days revisit per week and a global coverage. Four TIR channels and 6 VNIR channels are proposed, with a spatial resolution about 50m. TRISHNA will have a wide FOV which will generate sizeable directional effects on the brightness temperature and land surface temperature (LST). Before all, in the intertropical zone and from March to October, at least 1 from the 3 weekly successive observations will be contaminated by the hotspot phenomenon. Results of preparative studies for TRISHNA will be shown, using parametric models (RL), 1D (SCOPE) and 3D (DART) to correct for directional effect, and particularly the hotspot effect. Moreover, the added value of VNIR signal for TIR interpretation will be outlined. Finally, envisaged methods like GWS and TES for LST retrieval will be explained.
Jean-Louis Roujean,法国科学院研究员,法国生物圈空间科学中心研究员,法国地表空间科学研究委员会主席,法国-印度共建卫星计划TRISHNA首席科学家。1991年于法国图卢兹第三大学获得博士学位,先后在法国航天局、法国气象研究中心、法国生物圈空间科学中心工作,曾任法国气象研究中心副主任。主要研究兴趣包括多尺度地表二向反射特性建模、辐射通量估算、数据融合与同化、植被生态系统遥感观测等。目前已发表学术论文80余篇,其提出的核驱动模型被广泛应用于MODIS, POLDER, MERIS, VEGETATION, METEOSAT, PROBA-V等载荷的产品算法,该篇论文被引用1100余次。
主持人:唐伯惠 研究员
时 间:2019年10月16日(星期三)下午14:00
地 点:A0214会议室