报告题目1: Knowledge Graphs and GeoAI: Uniting Symbolic and Subsymbolic Traditions
Knowledge graphs are a novel paradigm for representing, retrieving, and integrating data from highly heterogeneous sources. Over the past years, they have attracted a substantial body of work combining symbolic and subsymbolic traditions, e.g., in representation learning. Places and geographic regions more broadly act as key nexus of these graphs connecting people, events, and objects. Hence, recent work also studies how these knowledge graphs can form the underpinning of geo-foundation models in GeoAI and even autonomous GIS agents. This presentation introduces KnowWhereGraph, a 15 billion graph statement strong knowledge graph of pre-integrated cross-domain data that provides geo-enrichment services to empower applications in supply chain management, humanitarian relief, and environmental intelligence. We will give an overview of the graph, its services, application areas, and research challenges and close with some broader thoughts about the future of knowledge engineering and GeoAI.

Krzysztof Janowicz is a geoinformatics and spatial data science full professor at the University of Vienna, Austria, and the University of California, Santa Barbara, USA. Before, he was an assistant professor at Pennsylvania State University. He is co-editor in chief of the Semantic Web journal, principal investigator of the KnowWhereGraph, former director of the Center for Spatial Studies at UCSB, and former program chair of UCSB’s cognitive science graduate program. Professor Janowicz’s research interests include knowledge graphs, geo-semantics, and GeoAI. Methodologically, his research combines theory-driven (e.g., semantics) and data-driven (e.g., data mining) techniques to improve data retrieval, integration, and reuse.
Krzysztof Janowicz, 奥地利维也纳大学和美国加州大学圣巴巴拉分校(UCSB)教授。从事地理信息科学和空间数据科学研究。Janowicz教授还曾是美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学助理教授, 美国加州大学空间研究中心(Center for Spatial Studies @ UCSB)主任和UCSB 认知科学研究生项目主席。他现任Semantic Web Journal主编, KnowWhereGraph 项目 (美国NSF资助)主要负责人。Janowicz教授研究兴趣包括知识图谱,地理语义学,和地理人工智能(GeoAI)。Janowicz教授的研究方法结合理论驱动和数据综和,并广泛应用在信息检索,信息整合和重用上。
报告题目2:KnowWhereGraph: A Geospatial Knowledge Graph to Support Cross-Disciplinary Knowledge Discovery
Global challenges such as food supply chain disruptions, pandemics, and disaster responses require a more effective and rapid way of sharing and reusing data. However, most existing (geo)portals are stacked by separated or sparsely connected data “silos” impeding such a data consolidation. The KnowWhereGraph, a project consisting of not only the schema and data about human and environment, but also a series of supporting tools to access them, proposes to address such a challenge by introducing a large-scale, cross-domain, and AI-ready data warehouse that is rooted on knowledge graphs. In this talk, I highlight technical details underlying the core place-based ontology design of KnowWhereGraph, where place and time play an essential role of connecting and contextualising heterogenous and multimodal data. With the new data format as the backbone, I further introduce spatially explicit neural networks to reason over spatial and temporal information. Finally, I conclude the talk with challenges and outlook about geospatial knowledge graphs.

朱睿博士现就职于英国布里斯托大学讲师(助理教授),博士生导师, 地理数据科学和空间分析研究生项目负责人。 朱睿博士毕业于美国加州大学圣巴巴拉分校(博士)和美国匹兹堡大学(硕士)。朱睿博士曾就职于美国加州大学圣巴巴拉分校空间研究中心(Center for Spatial Studies @ UCSB)和美国橡树岭国家实验室。主要研究集中在理解和量化人以及机器对环境和空间的认知及交互。具体方向包括地理知识图谱,空间显性机器学习,和空间统计。
时 间:2023年8月9日(星期三)上午9:30
地 点:A0214会议室
主持 人:陆 锋 研究员